Tickled Pink

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Tickled Pink
Tickled Pink
Voiced by Rhonda Aldrich
Horse Sunriser
Color Pink
 • Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer (film)
 • Invasion of Rainbow Land
 • Mom
 • Rainbow Night
 • Star Sprinkled
 • Chasing Rainbows
 • Murkys Comet
 • A Horse of a Different Color
 • Queen of the Sprites


Tickled Pink

Tickled Pink is one of our new friends. She's always giggling--and she likes to make other people laugh, too!

~ Rainbow Brite "Friends Forever" Coloring Book, (2005)

Tickled Pink is in charge of the girl Sprites.

~ Rainbow Brite "Twink and the Sprites" Coloring Book, (2005)

Not much is known about Tickled Pink. She was introduced for the first time in the "Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer" feature film, and the later episodes of the television program. While her character wasn't noticeably popular, she was marketed as a "Dress-up" doll and on the packaging for the "Sunriser" horse, she is mentioned as her rider. Nothing much else is known about her. We will add more information as it is discovered.


Sunriser lives in the mountains of Rainbow Land. She is only seen at sunrise, hence her name. Not much more is known about her besides the package for the "hard body" Sunriser said she was "Tickled Pink's Fun loving Horse"


1: Tickled Pink, was designed by Mattel, as were Stormy and Moonglow.
2: It is possible that Tickled Pink was originally designed with a "Tulip" cheek mark in early designs, and this relayed to artists working on the movie Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer, however these early designs were changed in the final product explaining why the cheek mark was removed after the film, and did not appear on the doll.
3: Sunriser was also a product of Mattel, designed to be Tickled Pink's horse. The dolls were designed a year before the show's production, however no "Story" was written about the characters creation at the time they were designed, which explains why the box said she was "Tickled Pink's Horse", though the tv show showed her as being a lone horse. This was and is a common thing in toy production.
4: After reviewing early concept and character descriptions for the characters were were able to find out that Sunriser's name was originally Fluffy, she could speak, and she had a talent of kicking up pink fluffy clouds when she ran.

Tickled Pink (2009)

Tickled Pink
Tickled Pink
Sprite Twilite
Horse Sunriser
Power Sun

Don't you just love the colors of the sky at sunrise and sunset? Tickled Pink does! Each day she wakes up before dawn and paints the morning sky with her Sun Scepter, then reappears at dusk to make sure the sunset is picture-perfect. Tickled Pink is one of Rainbow Brite's best friends. And no wonder--she's always bright-eyed, chipper, and ready to lend an encouraging word!

~ Description via www.RainbowBrite.Com



Twilite is Tickled Pink's trusty friend. This perky little sprite is keeper of the fiery color crystals that Tickled Pink uses to paint the sunrise and sunset. Tickled Pink is constantly on the move, racing the sun from on side of Rainbow Land to the other. But when she and her horse Sunrise take a break, Twilite is always ready with a smile and a fresh bundle of color crystals.

~ Description via www.RainbowBrite.Com

Twilite is one of the new Sprites introduced to Rainbow Land. Twilite is a sweet pink color and has a “sun” symbol on their Sprinkle Pouch. This symbol matches the symbol on Tickled Pink's dress and scepter.

Twilite's role is similar to Twinkle's, in that he assists Tickled Pink in making the morning sky's of Rainbow Land as colorful and bright as can be.



If you look far off to the horizon at sunrise or sunset, you might just glimpse a wild horse galloping her heart out. Her name is Sunriser, and it's her job to carry Tickled Pink to the far corners of Rainbow Land so she can wake the sun in the morning and put it to bed in the evening. Together, Sunrise and Tickled Pink have seen more of Rainbow Land than anybody else ... maybe that's why Sunriser is the gentlest wild horse you'll ever meet!

~ Description via www.RainbowBrite.Com


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Rainbow Brite (2010's)
Rainbow Brite (Feeln)
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