Dark Princess
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The Dark Princess
A spoiled woman from a dark planet not too far from Spectra, only known as "Her Highness" or "the Princess". If ever you are in her throne room, you better remember to bring a rather expensive present for her or risk being sent her dungeon or worse, to the Prison Planet.She has the ability to focus her powers to crystals or other jewels. The source of the Princess' power is mostly unknown.
In the "Star Stealer" Movie, she was attempting to steal the "Diamond Planet" Spectra and used a small glowing jewel to magnify her powers and control hundreds of Glitterbots and get just about anything she wanted. However Krys and Rainbow Brite were able to destroy the Magic Jewel and leave her powerless, until months later when she appeared in Rainbow Land and attempted to focus her inner powers with diamonds and Color Crystals from the Color Caves.
She and her advisor Count Blogg were sent soon packing when Rainbow Brite again defeated her with her magic Color Belt.