Rainbow Brite See and Read
From WikiBrite: The Rainbow Brite WIki
Rainbow Brite See & Read Volume 1 | |
Special: Video Book | |
Written by: | Roz Abisch |
Producer | • Audio:Bugs Bower • Video: Alan Kirby; American Multimedia, Inc. |
See & Read Features children's favorite characters in exciting stories. Read along as the words and images appear on the screen.
Contents[hide] |
Rainbow Brite See & Read Volume 1
Volume 1 of the Kids Stuff: Kids Vids contains two fun stories for you to read along with your kids, as well as vocabulary lessons to enrich your reading experience.
The Stories on this cassette are:
- The Risky Rescue
- The Sprite Emergency
The Risky Rescue
It was early when Rainbow Brite woke up. She stretched and yawned and jumped out of bed. Then she went to the window of her room in the Color Castle to watch the sunrise over Rainbow Land.
Rainbow Brite looked this way and that. She looked down at her very best friend and magical horse, Starlite, munching the honey-sweet clover outside the castle. She looked across to the Prism Pond. She looked out at the Sprites' little houses and gardens. Then she looked up at The Pits, that gray and gloomy hill where the evil Murky Dismal lived.
Something was troubling Rainbow Brite and she didn't quite know what it was. But she would soon find out!
She called to Starlite, "We have work to do today, Starlite. I have a feeling that something is wrong in Rainbow Land. Let's pick up Twink and check things out."
So Rainbow Brite and her favorite Sprite, Twink climbed on Starlite and set off through Rainbow Land. They hadn't gone very far when Rainbow Brite's suspicions proved to be true.
There WAS something wrong. In fact there was more than one thing wrong.
The Blue Lagoon was GREEN!...And the Red River was ORANGE!
"This is terrible!" cried Rainbow Brite.
"What can we do?" asked Starlite.
It took Rainbow Brite only a moment to decide.
"We'd better get back to the castle. Maybe the Color Kids can help get to the bottom of this."
Rainbow Brite called the Color Kids together and explained what she had seen.
But the Color Kids were just as puzzled as Rainbow was.
"I didn't let the Blue Lagoon go green," said Buddy Blue.
"I didn't let the Red River go orange," said Red Butler.
"Then who did?" asked Rainbow Brite looking around at the other Color Kids.
"I didn't have anything to do with hit," said Patty O'Green.
"Neither did I," said Lala Orange.
Just then, Shy Violet's eyes lit up behind her big, round glasses.
"Wait, everyone!" she said. Rainbow and the Color Kids all turned to listen to Shy Violet, because she was always right. Shy Violet explained, "Just think for a minute. What color mixes with blue to make green? And what color mixes with red to make orange?"
"Yellow!" cried all the Color Kids.
"Exactly!" said Shy Violet. "Now look around.... Where's Canary Yellow?"
Canary Yellow was MISSING!
"Oh, no!" cried Rainbow Brite. "I'll bet Murky Dismal has caught her again. We'll have to check out The Pits."
Everyone agreed with Rainbow Brite. They knew this was very risky business, because Murky Dismal was always plotting and planning ways to trick Rainbow Brite and her friends.
Rainbow quickly organized all the Color Kids and Sprites. "The only way to rescue Canary Yellow is to sneak up on The Pits and take Murky Dismal by surprise."
Rainbow Brite led the Color Kids and Sprites as they quietly crawled through the gloom on the hill. As they got closer to The Pits, they could hear Murky Dismal mumbling and grumbling, grumbling and mumbling. The closer they got, the better they could hear him...and the rose he sounded!
"YOU WILL DO AS I SAY"! shouted Murky Dismal.
"Yeah, do as he says!" repeated Lurky.
"I will not! I will not!" cried Canary Yellow.
"This is more serious then I thought," said Rainbow Brite as she crawled along. "We'll have to do something drastic and do it quickly, if we want to beat Murky Dismal and rescue Canary Yellow."
Just then, Rainbow got an idea. She turn to the Sprites and whispered, "I'm going to need a super-supply of Star Sprinkles. Can you get them quickly and bring them here?" The Sprites nodded, then each went scooting off to the section of Rainbow Land where his special sprinkles were stored. While the Sprites were gone, Rainbow explained her plans to the Color Kids.
Several twinkling's later, the Sprites returned, carrying huge sacks of Star Sprinkles. Rainbow turned to the Color Kids and whispered, "Spread out around the Pits. Then, at the count of three, go to it!...One...two...three!"
At Rainbow's signal, Buddy Blue blasted a bold of the brightest blue Star Sprinkles right into Murky Dismal's dark and dreary cave. Red Butler released a ray of the rosiest red into the gloom.
Lala Orange zapped in some of her zestiest orange. Patty O'Green pitched in the liveliest green. Indigo threw in her deep reddish blue. And Shy Violet flipped in a volley of violet hue.
Soon, crazy rainbows of happy colors were bouncing back and forth off the walls of The Pits like fireworks on the Fourth of July, like shooting stars all over the heavens!
"STOP! STOP!" came a cry from deep inside the cave, and moments later two figures came running out.
It was Murky and Lurky. They were staggering out, holding their hands over their eyes.
"No more!" cried Murky. "I can't stand the bright lights. I'll do anything you said if only you'll stop those happy colors."
"Yeah!" cried Lurky. "We'll do anything!"
"Anything" asked Rainbow Brite.
Murky Dismal nodded. "Yes, anything!"
"Then let Canary Yellow go!"
Murky turned and disappeared into The Pits. Moments later, he returned with Canary Yellow.
Pointing to Rainbow Brite, Murky snarled, "You put one over on me this time, Rainbow Brat, but I'll get even. I'll get even with all of you. Just you wait and see!"
"Yeah, just wait and see!" snarled Lurky.
Nobody paid any attention to Murky Dismal. They were all too busy fussing over Canary Yellow.
Canary's usual smiling eyes were filled with tears as she sobbed, "Murky Dismal made me do it! He made me mix yellow and turn the Blue Lagoon green! He made me mix yellow and turn the Red River orange! He said if I didn't do it, he would turn all of Rainbow Land dark!"
Rainbow Brite put her arm around Canary's shoulder and gently said, "There, there, don't cry. We'll make everything turn right."
The Color Kids and Sprites carried Canary Yellow on their shoulders back to the Color Castle for a welcome-home party. Rainbow Brite went off with Twink and Starlite to see what they could do to get things back to normal.
Even though she would have liked to join in the celebration, Rainbow still felt that her work should come first. Riding on Starlite, Rainbow Brite and Twink headed for the Blue Lagoon. There, she sited just the right amount of Star Sprinkles through her fingers and turned the green lagoon back to blue again. Then they road to Red River. Again, Rainbow Brite sifted just the right amount of Star Sprinkled through her fingers and turned the orange river back to red again.
"What a day it has been!" Rainbow said to Starlite and Twink when she was finished.
"But all's well that ends well!"
The Sprite Emergency
All was peaceful in Rainbow Land. Never before was the sky so blue. Nowhere was there even the slightest hint of a gray gloom-cloud. Never before was the sun so shiny and bright. Never before was the grass so green or the roses so read or the daffodils so yellow or the chrysanthemums so orange or the violets so violet!
Rainbow Brite was relaxed. The Color Kids were content. Starlite was satisfied to snooze in the sun. And Twink would have been tickled pink...if he weren't so white! Yes, all was peaceful in Rainbow Land... maybe a little TOO peaceful...maybe the calm before the storm!
But it wasn't at all peaceful in The Pits! Murky Dismal was busy plotting and scheming.
"My plan is working! It's working" he cried to his bumbling assistant, Lurky. "We've finally managed to get that Rainbow Brat and her friends off guard. We've got them relaxed. They don't suspect a thing. Now's the time to put the rest of my plan into action!"
"Yuk-Yuk!" chuckled Lurky. "I can't believe now sneaky you are, boss."
"I'm not sneaky," sneered Murky Dismal. "I'm just downright MEAN! Hee! Hee! Hee!"
Murky Dismal was right. Back in Rainbow Land, no on suspected a thing. The Sprites were even more cheerful and playful than usual. Because everything was so peaceful and they were finished with their work at the mines and in the Prism Ponds, the Sprites could spend their time frolicking in the sun. Saucy and Romeo were dancing through the clover. Spark and Lucky were playing tag. Champ was working out with his weights. And Hammy was reciting a poem for I.Q., who wanted only to read his book as he strolled along the river bank. Yes, the Sprites were all at peace. No one saw two figures moving quickly and quietly around Rainbow Land.
Little by little, step by step, Murky Dismal and Lurky were putting Murky's evil plan into action. They crept and stopped... crept and stopped. Every place they stopped, they set a sprite trap. The traps were so sneaky that they couldn't be seen. The green sprite trap looked like grass. The red sprite trap looked like a tomato. The yellow sprite trap looked like corn. The blue sprite trap looked like bluebells. The orange sprite trap looked like marigolds. And the violet sprite trap looked like violets. The poor sprites never had a chance as they danced and played. Before they knew it, every last one of them was tangled in the traps.
"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Murky Dismal and Lurky tied the captured Sprites together and piled them into the Grunge Buggy. Before the Sprites knew what was happening, they were being driven away from Rainbow Land toward The Pits.
Inside his laboratory in the dark and dreary cave, Murky Dismal herded the Sprites into a big wooden platform. "I've got you now!" he snarled at the sprites as he pushed a big black button. "Yup, we've got you now!" added Lurky.
An engine started up and the platform moved up and out. The Sprites stood in the center of the platform, huddled together in fear. When the engine stopped, Saucy mustered up enough courage to move to the edge of the platform and looked over the edge. "Why, were right over The Pits!" he cried to the other Sprites. "The Pits! This is terrible!" cried Lucky.
"At last!" sneered Murky Dismal. "At last I've got you where I want you! Ha! Ha! Ha! You're not so cheerful now, my little Sprites. Why, without you to work in the mines and the Prism Ponds, that Rainbow Brat won't have a steady supply of color crystals. And without enough color crystals to go around, your whole Color Crowd is going to be out of business! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
Up on the platform, the poor, frightened Sprites shivered and shook. They knew that if they fell into The Pits, they would lose their colors and disappear.
I.Q. Tried to reassure his friends. "We mustn't panic. We must stay calm and think of something."
"Yes, got to think of something," said Saucy. The Sprites huddled even closer together than before. None of them wanted to get too close to the edge of the platform.
Suddenly, I.Q. had an idea. "Let's close our eyes and use our special Color Concentration to send an emergency signal to Rainbow Brite."
The Sprites agreed. In moments that invisible signal flew through the air toward the Color Castle. Rainbow Brite was gazing out her window at the Color Castle when she picked up the Sprites' emergency signal. She immediately called to Starlite and Twink, "Go get all the Color Kids. Tell them to drop everything and hurry to the castle. We have a Sprite emergency."
Moments later, the Color Kids appeared at the Castle. Rainbow Brite explained the emergency signal she had received. After much talking and arguing among the Color Kids, Red Butler stepped forward and announced, "I know what we have to do. Why, once I received a --"
"Not now, " interrupted Rainbow Brite. "We'll hear your story later. Just tell us how we can rescue the Sprites."
Red went on. "We'll weave a rainbow net under Murky Dismal's platform and catch the Sprites before they fall into The Pits."
Not wanting to be left out of the exciting rescue, Twink offered, "Starlite and I will hang the net in place under the platform. Murky Dismal and Lurky would never expect US to come to The Pits."
"Good idea!" said Rainbow.. "We all have a job to do, so let's get moving."
As soon as the rainbow net was ready, the Color Kids carried it up toward The Pits. Twink and Starlite sneaked into the cave and put it in place under the platform. The Sprites were delighted to see their friends, and at a signal from Rainbow Brite, they began to sing and dance. The happy sounds brought Murky Dismal out from his laboratory.
"Why are you singing and dancing?" he asked the Sprites.
"Because we're happy to be on this platform," they replied.
"Well I don't want you to be happy," grumbled Murky Dismal. "this should stop your singing and dancing right now." And he pulled the rope that tipped the platform into The Pits.
The Sprites tumbled this way and that as they fell off the platform...only to land softly in the net. When they were all safely in the net, Starlite and Twink swiftly whisked them away. Now happy they were to leave Murky Dismal and Lurky and The Pits far behind!
Once again, all was peaceful in Rainbow Land. The Sprites were as cheerful and playful as ever. But instead of frolicking in the sunshine, they were ready to get back to work in the mines and Prism Ponds. They wanted to make certain that there would always be enough color crystals to go around.
Volume 1 Credits
Rainbow Brite See & Read Volume 2 | |
Special: Video Book | |
Written by: | Roz Abisch |
Producer | • Audio:John Braden • Video: Alan Kirby; American Multimedia, Inc. |
Rainbow Brite See & Read Volume 2
The Stories on this cassette are:
- Gloom Over Rainbow Land
- Twink's Surprise
Gloom Over Rainbow Land
As the sun rose over Rainbow Land, all of the colors glowed gloriously and the dewdrops on the grass sparked like millions of tiny diamonds. But, even as the flowers turned their eager little faces to the sun, the clouds and smog over The Pits seemed to grow darker and darker.
A bright new day meant nothing at all to Murky Dismal. It was always dark over The Pits, which was just fine with him. Murky Dismal always did his best mean thinking when it was gloomy... and today was no exception.
"Lurky," Murky Dismal snarled as he blended a new, nasty concoction in his laboratory. "Lurky, get your hulk down to Rainbow Land. Find out what those brats have cookin' for today and come right back!"
"Yeah, boss," said Lurky.
"I mean NOW!" growled Murky Dismal.
"Okay! Okay! I'm goin'," mumbled Lurky as he slowly turned to go.
"Quick!" screamed Murky Dismal in a tantrum. "Quick! Quick! Quick!"
Lurky stumbled out of the entrance to The Pits and started to gallop down the hill toward Rainbow Land, picking up speed as he went. But, clumsy as usual, the big galoot tripped and fell and started to roll. Down the hill he went, head over heels, faster and faster, leaving his little gray gloom cloud far behind.
Lurky finally came to a stop smack in the middle of the annual Rainbow Land picnic at Prism Pond. He just lay there in the middle of all the potato salad and cole slaw, huffing and puffing in a huddled heap.
Suddenly, Lurky felt a tiny, gentle hand patting his aching head. He heard a sweet little voice gurgling and cooing and making soothing sounds – "Ooo awrigh? Ooo awrigh?" – which was Baby Brite's way of asking, "Are you all right?"
Just then, Puppy Brite came sniffing around. Wagging his tail, Puppy yipped and yapped until... the Color Kids and the Sprites stopped what they were doing and came over to see what all the racket was about.
Red Butler, whose turn it was to look after Baby Brite, was the first to recognize Lurky. "Look, it's Lurky! This could mean a lot of trouble."
Indigo was worried. "What are we gonna do?"
"We've got to tell Rainbow Brite," insisted Canary Yellow.
"You're right, Canary," Buddy Blue agreed.
But Patty O'Green saw one problem. "What should we do about Lurky? We can't just leave him here. Maybe he's hurt."
Shy Violet looked around. "I don't see Lurky's gloom cloud anywhere. That means we're safe from Murky Dismal for a while. I say we all go to the Color Castle right now and take Lurky with us."
The Color Kids and the Sprites agreed, and they set off to see Rainbow Brite, with Baby Brite and Puppy Brite bringing up the rear and Lurky trotting after theme like a big hairy hound dog.
Rainbow Brite had been working in her garden in front of the Color Castle when her friends arrived. She wasn't at all concerned when the Color Kids told her about Lurky, and she explained, "He's not so bad, really. When Murky Dismal isn't around, Lurky is pretty nice. Not too bright, but nice." Twink smiled and told Rainbow Brite, "You always find something good to say about a person. But I'm afraid of what Murky Dismal will do when he finds out that Lurky is here in Rainbow Land."
"You've got a point there, Twink," Rainbow Brite said to her favorite Sprite. "We'll have to send Lurky back to The Pits." But without the little gray gloom cloud over his head to keep him under Murky Dismal's control and unhappy, Lurky had fallen under the happy spell of Rainbow Land's bright colors.
The Sprites were so cheerful. Puppy Brite was so frisky and playful, and Baby Brite had truly found a special spot in Lurky's heart.
Lurky dropped to his knees and cried, "I don't wanna go back to The Pits! Please don't make me! Please! Please!"
Rainbow Brite was very soft-hearted and, with a sigh, she answered, "Well, maybe you can stay for a little while."
Then Lurky really started to feel happy. And he didn't feel happy very often. That could only happen when the gloom cloud wasn't around. To show how happy he was not to feel unhappy, Lurky decided to make himself useful. He rescued mischievous Puppy Brite from the ledge around the dome of the Color Castle. He carried a huge melon in from the melon patch for Patty O'Green. And he brought Baby Brite's big striped balloon down from the top of a tree. By the end of the day everyone in Rainbow Land was glad to have Lurky around.
But, by the end of the day at The Pits, Murky Dismal wasn't glad about anything. He was angry as he grumbled, "Where is that stupid Lurky? I told him to come right back from Rainbow Land. That big oaf doesn't know how to listen. He doesn't pat attention to a thing I say."
As he stood at the entrance to the Pits, Murky Dismal looked down the hill toward Rainbow Land. Murky Dismal mumbled to himself as he tried to spot his assistant coming up the hill. Bit there was no sign of Lurky. All Murky Dismal could see was a little gray cloud hanging over the hill, halfway down.
"There's nothin' out there but a little gray cloud," said Murky Dismal. "A LITTLE GRAY CLOUD!" he repeated, doing a doubletake. "Lurky got away from under the little gray gloom cloud. No wonder he didn't come back. He's probably happy as a clam in Rainbow Land! I can't stand it! I CAN'T STAND IT!"
Murky Dismal was so angry that he had another honest-to-goodness tantrum. He threw himself down on the ground and pounded his fists and kicked his feet. And all the time he kept screaming,
When he was all screamed out, Murky Dismal stood up and shock his head clear. "I'll just have to do something about THAT!" he growled. Then he headed for his laboratory inside The Pits.
Once inside the Laboratory, Murky Dismal began to feel more like his usual mean self. Soon he was busy concocting clouds of gloom that went sailing out of The Pits and down the hill toward Rainbow Land.
"I'll show that Lurky!" Murky Dismal muttered while he worked. "I'll show that Rainbow Brat and her goody-two-shoes gang that Murky Dismal isn't anyone to fool around with!"
By the next morning, the gloom clouds were so thick over Rainbow Land that the sun couldn't shine through. It stayed almost as dark as night. It was so dark that all the bright colors seemed to fade away to gray. Rainbow Brite looked up at the sky full of clouds and cried, "Oh, no! Those gloomy clouds are headed this way from The Pits. Murky Dismal is covering Rainbow Land with gloom!"
Shy Violet nodded and said, "He's very clever!"
"Clever?" shouted the Color Kids, puzzled.
"Yes, clever," said Shy Violet, who was very good at figuring out things. "Murky Dismal knows he can't control Lurky unless there's a gloom cloud around to keep him unhappy. Murky Dismal must have figured out that Lurky is here in Rainbow Land. But he doesn't know EXACTLY where. So, to play it safe and be sure that he gets to Lurky, Murky Dismal put ALL of Rainbow Land under a gray gloom cloud."
For the first time ever, everyone in Rainbow Land was unhappy... even Canary Yellow, who was ALWAYS sunny and cheerful.
But the most unhappy one of all was Lurky, who moaned and groaned, "It's all my fault! It's all my fault!" Lurky looked at all his new-found friends and saw the gloom over Rainbow land. He felt sad, but not only because he as back to his own gloomy self. There was another reason.
"My minds is made up," Lurky told Rainbow Brite and the entire Rainbow Land family. "I'm goin' back to The Pits!"
"Oh, no!" everyone protested. "Don't go!"
But Lurky's mind was made up. "I have to go! That's the only way Murky Dismal will let the sun shine on Rainbow Land again. That's the only way your colors will be bright again."
Then, looking very heavy hearted, Lurky started to walk slowly up the hill toward the Pits. As he walked the thick gray gloom cloud seemed to follow after him. Soon the sun shone brightly on Rainbow Land once again. All the color glowed Gloriously, and the dewdrops on the grass sparkled like a million tiny diamonds.
"I hate to see Lurky go," said Rainbow Brite with a sigh.
"Me too," cooed Baby Brite.
"Arf! Arf!" barked Puppy Brite, wagging his tail.
"We sort of got used to having the big lunk around," said Red Butler.
And Buddy Blue agreed. "Yeah, he wasn't so bad, after all."
"I'm going to miss him," cried Indigo.
"He did what he had to do," said Shy Violet. " and he did it for a good reason."
"What do you mean?" asked Lala Orange.
"I know what Shy Violet means," said Rainbow Brite to her colorful family. "Lurky showed how much he loves us by going back to The Pits and letting the sun shine on Rainbow Land again."
Twink's Surprise
Twink was looking pale and sad. True, he was white to begin with. He had been white ever since he lost his color... when Murky Dismal threw him into The Pits. But, to Rainbow Brite, Twink appeared even paler than usual. In fact, Twink just seemed to be fading away. Rainbow Brite was worried about her favorite Sprite. "Twink is not his usual bouncy self,"she confided in her magical horse, Starlite.
Then pointing to the dome where Twink lived on the top of the Color Castle, Rainbow Brite added, "Twink just sits up there and sighs a lot. Poor Twink seems to be pining away."
"What can we do about it?" Starlite asked Rainbow.
"I don't know...not yet," said Rainbow Brite with a sigh. Starlite considered himself Rainbow Brite's best friend. He loved her very much and couldn't bear to see her so unhappy. Starlite wanted to help Rainbow Brite find out what was troubling Twink so they could figure out a way to fix it.
"Are you absolutely sure Twink won't come out?" Starlite asked Rainbow.
"I'm positive," she answered sadly. "I tried to coax him out with sunshine sherbet and rainbow cookies. Even THAT didn't work."
Starlite tossed his silky mane and said to Rainbow Brite, "This is more serious then I thought. You wait here. I'm going to call the Color Kids."
The Color Kids came immediately and gathered together in Rainbow Brite's rec room. They were unhappy about Twink too. "I cant believe we're all here without Twink," said Lala Orange. "He always wanted to be right in the middle of everything."
"There is definitely something wrong. Twink's behavior is not up to par," decided Shy Violet. "Do any of you have any suggestions?"
Buddy Blue came up with the first idea. "Let get him into an exercise program. That should snap him out of whatever he's in."
"Exercise!" snapped Indigo angrily. "How insensitive! All you think about are muscles. Can't you see that Twink is depressed?"
"Depressed?"repeated Canary Yellow, who was always sunny and cheerful. How can anyone be depressed here in Rainbow Land?"
"That's it!"exclaimed Red Butler.
"What's IT?"asked the Color Kids. "Rainbow Land," answered Red Butler. Rainbow Brite was just as puzzled. "You're talking in riddles, Red Butler."
"Not really Rainbow. Think about it. I've got a job here in Rainbow Land. You've got a job. All the color Kids and Sprites have jobs. We're either managing the mines or making Star Sprinkles or so many other things. But Twink has no job to do."
"You may just be right," piped up Patty O'Green. "That could be what's bugging Twink."
"So what do we do about it?"asked Rainbow Brite. The Color Kids were full of suggestions. They all chattered at once.
"Let's cheer Twink up by having a special party for him."
"You Color Kids are great!" said Rainbow Brite as she hugged them close to her. "What would I do without you?"
From his lookout at The Pits, Murky Dismal pointed his telescope and spotted strange things happening in Rainbow Land.
"That Rainbow Brat and her color pals are up to something again, "Murky said to his bumbling assistant, Lurky. "I feel it in my bones!"
"Yeah, boss," mumbled Lurky as he got in the way trying to peek through the telescope too.
"Yeah, boss! Yeah, boss!" mimicked Murky Dismal, shoving Lurky away from the telescope. "Is that all you've got to say?"
"Yeah, boss...er, I mean, what do you want me to do?" stammered Lurky.
"Get down there!" ordered Murky Dismal. "Find out what they're up to!"
That clumsy lump of a Lurky lurched down the hill from The Pits to Rainbow Land. Now, as he huddled in the shadows, which was quite difficult considering how big he was, Lurky settle down to do some serious snooping. He saw the color kids bustling back and forth with plates and cups and colored balloons. All the Sprites were busy with strips of colored cloth and spools of thread, with rolls of ribbon and balls of yarn. Even Baby Brite and Puppy Brite were scampering around, trying to be helpful. Lurky strained to hear what they were saying. He held a hand to his ear, but all he could catch were snatches of conversation.
"Boy-oh-boy-oh-boy!" cried Lurky eagerly as he started back up the hill toward The Pits. "Wait'll the boss hears about this!"
Then, as Lurky picked up speed, he ran out from under the little gray gloom cloud over his head. The farther he got from the cloud, the happier Lurky began to feel. By the time he got back to The Pits, Lurky was grinning from ear to ear and practically bubbling with excitement.
"Boss! Boss!" he cried as he approached Murky Dismal. "Have I got news for you!" "The news can wait!" grumbled Murky Dismal impatiently. "Look at you. You're so happy, it's disgusting! Before you say another word, I gotta get your gloom cloud back in place over your head and cheer you down to normal."
As soon as the little gray gloom cloud was back in place, Lurky became his usual unhappy self. "That's much better," said Murky Dismal. "A person can stand just so much happiness without getting...sick! Now, what's this terrific news you were blubbering about?"
"It doesn't seem so terrific anymore,"pouted Lurky.
But Murky Dismal snarled, "Out with it!"
Lurky sighed and explained sheepishly, "They're havin some kind of party tomorrow in Rainbow Land. I heard somethin' about cookies and ice cream and...."
"Okay! Okay!" snapped Murky Dismal, not wanting to hear happy thoughts. "I get the idea. Lets get down to the laboratory. I gotta think."
Inside the laboratory, Murky Dismal started to pace back and forth, which wasn't easy to do with Lurky hovering over him and getting in the way as usual. Suddenly, Murky stopped and mumbled, "This might be the chance I've been waiting for."
"What do you mean, boss?"asked Lurky.
Murky Dismal explained. "With all the excitement going on, it might be a good time for us to make some mischief down there in Rainbow Land. Yes, Lurky, we're gonna crash that party! We're gonna show up there even through they didn't invite us."
"How are we going to do that, boss?"
"We're gonna dress up like those silly Sprites. There are so many of them around that nobody will notice a couple more."
The next day everyone in Rainbow Land met in Rainbow Brite's rec room to get it ready for the party. The Sprites hung colored streamers and balloons on the walls and ceiling. The Color Kids brought out all the food they had prepared and set it on the table.
Lala Orange brought orange sherbet. Canary Yellow had baked lemon cookies. Shy Violet and Indigo stirred a big bowl of grape juice punch. Red Butler and Buddy Blue carried in a big basket of strawberries and blueberries. Patty O'Green counted out enough lime lollipops for everyone in Rainbow Land.
As Rainbow Brite went around helping her friends, she exclaimed, "Everything looks so yummy! All we need to make the party perfect is Twink!"
The Sprites wanted to make the party perfect, so they marched right up to the dome at the top of the Color Castle and put Twink on their shoulders. Although Twink argued and protested that he didn't want to go to a party, the Sprites carried him down the stairs to Rainbow Brite's rec room. Then the party really began! Rainbow Brite hugged Twink, the Color Kids sang and danced, and the Sprites, who were always happy and playful, frolicked about and made everyone laugh.
In all the excitement, nobody noticed Murky Dismal and Lurky sneak into the room. Suddenly, it seemed to get very crowded in Rainbow Brite's rec room. Just as suddenly, the food started to disappear at an alarming rate.
Rainbow Brite looked around. "Something funny is going on,"she said as she started to count heads. "There seems to be too many Sprites."
"Could some of them be imposers?" asked Shy Violet.
"I don't know. It's never happed before," said Rainbow Brite. "But there's one sure way to find out!"
Rainbow Brite held onto her magic power belt with one hand and scattered a bunch of Star Sprinkles with the other. All the Sprites stopped what they were doing and tried to catch the Star Sprinkles.
That is, all the sprites.....except two!
At that moment, the two party crashers were recognized, and they started to run from the room.
"There they are!" shouted Red Butler. "There are the party crashers!"
"Catch them! Catch them!" cried Buddy Blue as he began to chase after them.
"It's Murky Dismal and Lurky!" cried Lala Orange.
Watching all this, Twink began to laugh. He was starting to feel more like his old self. "Ha! Ha! Look at them go! They sure do look funny! Lurky is much too big and clumsy to be a real Sprite, and as for Murky Dismal, well, he's much too grumpy!"
"I should have known it was them," said Rainbow Brite. "But Lurky's little gray gloom cloud was hidden by all the colored balloons."
"Oh, my!" exclaimed Indigo dramatically. "All this excitement is getting to me! I'm-I'm going to faint!"
"Put yourself on hold!" snapped Patty O'Green, putting her arm around Twink. "This is still Twink's party, and we haven't even given him his present yet."
The Sprites handed Twink a long, colorful ribbon with a beautiful white bow at the end. "For me?" asked Twink puzzled.
"Yes, Twink. If you follow this ribbon out the door and across Rainbow land, it will lead you to a special surprise." So Twink followed the ribbon until it led him to a color cave.
"I don't recognize this cave," Twink told Rainbow Brite.
"That's all right Twink. This is a new color cave...your very own white cave to manage. We understand now why you were sad, and you had good reason. The other sprites all have their own special colors and their own special responsibilities. And just because you are white you have no responsibilities at all. And that's not right. After all, you're the only white Sprite in all Rainbow Land!"
"Hey, that's right! And that means I'm special!"
"Yes Twink, you are special. Now, for the first time we'll have a sprite in charge of all the white things in the universe. You, Twink, are now the Sprite in charge of making sure that snow isn't red...That clouds aren't green... and that ice cream isn't purple."
"Oh, I do feel better. In fact I feel great!" shouted Twink. "Thank you all, my friends. Thank you for making me feel so special. I feel like the most colorful Sprite of all!"
Volume 2 Credits
The Sprite Emergency
Spelling Mistake:
*Murky says to the Sprites: "Ha! Ha! Ha! You're not so cheerful now, my little Sprites." But in the caption it's spelled Y-O-U-R-'-R-E. The correct spelling is "You're", which is a contraction of "You are"Your is a possessive pronoun which is used to show that something belongs to you.
It appears as though the editor was attempting to combine the two spellings.
Character Mistake:
*The story reads: When the engine stopped, Saucy mustered up enough courage to move to the edge of the platform and looked over the edge.The image that follows the caption shows a blue Sprite, but Saucy is supposed to be an orange Sprite.
Gloom Over Rainbow Land
Spelling Mistake:
*Shy Violet says to the Color Kids: "I say we all go to the Color Castle right now and take Lurky with us." But in the caption they spelled with incorrectly. It is spelled W-T-I-H.The correct spelling is W-I-T-H.
Twink's Surprise
Spelling Mistake:
*Rainbow Brite says "Everything looks so yummy!" but it is spelled Y-U-M-M-I-E. The correct spelling is actually Y-U-M-M-Y.Yummy is a slang term for something tasting good, or delicious taken from the sound you make as you eat "Yum". Other spellings: Yummiest, Yummier, or the noun Yumminess.